The asset management landscape
The asset management industry is seen as the central pillar of financial services, thanks to high levels of profitability and rapid growth. Global assets under management (AUM) have increased year-on-year, reaching an all-time high of $123 trillion at the end of 2021. This is expected to reach $145 trillion by 2025.
Despite the investment sector enjoying continued success, it is not without its complexities and the threat of market disruption is always present.
The AutoRek asset management survey
To fully understand the challenges facing the industry, AutoRek surveyed 250 UK investments professionals at the end of 2022. We asked respondents a series of questions regarding their strategic priorities, plans for technology, approaches to financial controls, back-office operations and regulatory processes.
Our findings revealed insights such as:
- 60% of firms in business for +10 years regard the customer as a top priority, dropping to 44% for those operating for a year or less
- Around half of the firms have invested in technology for finance and operations over the last two years and plan to continue this trend in 2023
- More than nine in 10 respondents acknowledged their firm was too reliant on manual processes for reconciliation procedures
- Attracting and retaining required talent is the biggest operational priority for firms over the next two years
- 95% of firms confirmed they will focus more on delivering efficiency across operational processes over the next two years
Download the full asset management industry outlook to learn more about
- The strategic priorities of firms in 2023
- The biggest challenges facing firms regarding reconciliations, financial controls, and data management
- Procedures firms have in place to support their CASS environment and compliance
- How far investment management firms are embracing technology and automation to drive operational efficiency
- The key to creating efficient processes that accommodate growth and regulatory changes
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